"Oh dear! we've just arrived to school and we're back on the irregular verbs!".
But before the exam, we did a funny practice with a tale. As usual, last wednesday we split the groups in two and Paqui's students tried to tell a tale by telling a sentence using an irregular verbs they drew from a mystery envelope. My students did the same. Mamen did so with her own group. Paqui's students invented some kind of "football story", Mamen's group created a romantic love story and my students some kind of "love and jealous story". They may not make sense in some parts, but it's an opportunity to have a laugh.
But... unfortunately the bell rang and we left the three stories unfinished. Can you help us?
Click down on "read more" to read: PEPITO RABBIT, PHILOMENA'S GHOST and A FROZEN LOVE:
Last year, a white rabbit drank a coke at Mr Mouse's pub. Later, he played football in the forest, then the rabbit whose name is Pepito flew to Santiago Bernabeu Stadium when suddenly Ancelotti suffered from a heart attack and died so Pepito led the team. Pepito's team went very fasto to the counterattack because he wanted to honor the previous coach. But something was wrong, CR7 didn't score so Pepito hit Ronaldo in the face. After the match CR7 was very sad in the hospital and Pepito visited him and he gave a present for him, Messi's boots but what CR7 really wanted was a pair of flip-flops, because he dreamt about playing with Barbie dolls next to the swimming pool. A few hours later, Ronaldo came out the hospital and Pepito drew Messi's face on CR7's t-shirt. CR7 was rally angry and burnt Pepito's house with him inside, but the firefighter Messi rescued Pepito from the cellar where he was hidden. Finally...
One morning, a little girl, called Philomena, bet playing football and the players began to play the match. Philo bought a ball to play and ate spaghetti to run a lot. She died from a heart attack. Blanca got her ring and broke the box. Blanca, Philo's friend, burnt her hand because Philo didn't forgive that Blanca took her boyfriend. Blanca caught the mobile and kept for a conversation. Blanca became a witch. She did a potion to go for Philomena. And Philomena's ghost bit Blanca's other hand. Blanca forgot the keys of her house in the box of the ring. Finally...
Once upon a time, a boy liked a girl. He rode his bike to see her everyday. She painted a picture for him. He understood that she was in love with him. One day they sat by the sea. It was cold and he lent her his jacket. Then, he taught her to swim. They got lost and thought of how to save themselves. He showed her the sunset. They said "I love you" and died frozen.
Once upon a time, a boy liked a girl. He rode his bike to see her everyday. She painted a picture for him. He understood that she was in love with him. One day they sat by the sea. It was cold and he lent her his jacket. Then, he taught her to swim. They got lost and thought of how to save themselves. He showed her the sunset. They said "I love you" and died frozen.
Belén García 3ºB
Finaly Philomena's spirit after not having got kill to Blanca, she returned to her casket and from that day, she continues curseing to Blanca from the beyond, she keep trying that Blanca didn't find her true love.
Finally, CR7 played a match with the t-shirt and shoes of Messi, he was good luck, and he scored five goals. He forgave Pepito and pepito and cr7 have made Friends since this day
María Barroso Sosa 4ºB
Finally, philomena's ghost killed to Blanca and she recovered her ring. After the two spirits went friends and they went to steal the rings of every womens.
Álvaro Medina 4ºB
Finally, the ghost of Philo went for Blanca and he killer her, because she removed her boyfriend. After in the sky, they were friends again.
Álvaro Medina 4ºB
Finally, the ghost of Philo went for Blanca and he killer her, because she removed her boyfriend. After in the sky, they were friends again.
Álvaro Medina 4ºB
Finally, the ghost of Philo went for Blanca and he killer her, because she removed her boyfriend. After in the sky, they were friends again.
Finally, a research group that sent their families to find them, found them. Their families were very sad to hear the news, and the next day, the dead were buried.
Hello Javier, I am Ruben Jimenez from 4ºB.
The Philomena's ghost chased to Blanca during his life.She was terrified and Blanca died.
Hello Javier, i am Diego of 4ºB.
Messi and Pepito killed to CR7 and they went to life together and they married
Gema María Carrascosa Paredes
( finally "A frozen love")
...bit he didn'y know that she was a liar. She has a relationship with another guy. She has planned to kill him to get married and have children with the other guy.
José Antonio García Tostado 4B
.Finally, the ghost of Filomena became in a football player profesional. He has played in the FC Barcelona, with Blanca, Messi, Neymar, Busi,... He won the golden ball in 2089.
Marta Gómez 4B
When Blanca opened the box appeared Philon's ghost and killed to return to be friends in the sky.
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