At the begining of this course you’ll have to say “hello” many times to a lot of people. Do you know other words in English to say “hello”. Here is a list of expressions:
-HELLO: This is the most usual way.
-HI!!! or HEY!!! : Imagine you’re walking on the street and see a friend.
-HOW DO YOU DO: It doesn’t mean anything, only “hello”, but it’s formal.

-HOW IS IT GOING? : Similar to “how do you do?”
-WHAT’S UP?: Young people use it a lot. Rap singers, skaters and other young usually say WASSUP! or the interjection YO!!!.
-HOWDY!: Similar to “How do you do” in some states of the USA.
-AY-UP!: In some parts of England say “hello” in this way.
-AHOY-HOY: When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1870 used this greeting to answer the first phone call in History. Montgomery Burns uses it in The Simpsons. He’s so old! Nobody uses this expression today.
-HOLA!: Yes, in the USA may people use it. It’s an Spanish influence. The difference is that they pronounce the “h”.
By the way here’s a link where you can learn how to say “hello” in other languages: